Clear Return on Investment

One of the most important aspects of every business is knowing that your return on investment justifies an expense. To help you take the guesswork out of justifying your outsourced IT expenses, we run custom reports on a regular basis to show you exactly what we are accomplishing and how that impacts your business's bottom line. Make your CFO happy and let us do the legwork in illustrating the value of outsourcing IT.

Inventory Control

Inventory control is one of the best ways to keep your costs down and avoid buying unnecessary hardware, software, and licenses. We compile and maintain lists of all of your hardware, the specifications, and warranty information so that when it comes time to replace your business machines, we can advise you of the best way to phase out your older hardware—sometimes it can even be avoided with a well-timed warranty replacement. Likewise, keeping stock of your software licenses can save you thousands of dollars. By properly managing licenses, you can avoid double paying for the right to use one program. We have seen many organizations purchase new software licenses with each new workstation, however if older hardware is getting replaced, the software licenses can be moved to the new computer and reused.